Wohnhaus mit Versammlungsraum in Tokyo
I tried to find a sensible distance to the neighbour buildings. This distance ore size seems for me to be 3.5-4 m .
In version A) I tried to optimize the building concerning passive solar heat gain. The advantage of passive solar heat gain is that sun heats the rooms during wintertime and that the rooms have a high quality of light and atmosphere. There for the building and if it is possible each room has to have a south orientation. Further the windows have to be extended to the floor. The floor itself has to be stone (as a minimum the first 2 m behind the windows) to save and store the gained energy. On the other hand there has to be also a solar heat protection for the summer-case. The best thing is a flexible sunscreen outside fixed. The small terrace which I propose is a compromise but has also the function of heat-protection during the summertime. Of course both concepts can be used combined.